Our teachers use the foundations behind The Creative Curriculum when planning weekly lessons for their classrooms. The Creative Curriculum balances both teacher-directed and child-initiated learning, with an emphasis on responding to individual children's learning styles and building on their strengths and interests. It follows the Early Learning Developmental Standards as set forth by the State of Kentucky. These standards include areas for cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development.
Age Groups
Infants & Waddlers
(6 weeks to 12 months)
The Infant room provides a warm and comforting setting. We have designed a nurturing, creative world for infants to help their minds and bodies develop. Watch your infant take the first steps toward a bright future when sharing his or her early development experiences at Today’s Kids. Infants are unique and have their own patterns for play, feeding and sleeping. We use these patterns as our guide to introduce daily activities that will prepare your infant for life. Our experienced and loving teachers show care by rocking, cuddling, playing, singing and talking to your baby. Infants are introduced to soft blocks, stories, puppets, music and enjoy playing outside during the good weather days. We are committed to making this first transition away from home easy and natural for you and your child.
(12 months to 24 months)
The Toddler Program is designed with an emphasis on developmental activities such as arts and crafts to encourage language and motor skills. The program is carefully balanced to encourage interaction among children, and includes activities such as: actives playtime, tabletop toys, learning to share, dramatic play and expanding their imagination with books. They parade to music with instruments in their make-believe marching band. This unique program helps to develop and stimulate physical coordination. The Toddler Room has ample space for many enriching activities and provides a fun learning environment. Our creative playgrounds are enjoyed daily and are equipped with colored safety surfacing which provides for fun and safe play!
Early Preschool
Early Preschool
Your Child will grow into his or her own person, ready to tackle the next challenge — preschool! Children develop a rich vocabulary as they are exposed to variety of books and literacy materials. Daily read-aloud, songs, word games and conversations enable your child to begin building a solid foundation in language and communication. Children build a sense of community as they interact with each other through daily activities, such as games and songs. Our teachers work with your child to develop self-help skills and the ability to negotiate his or her environment independently. Our program offers daily opportunities for children to count, recognize numbers and shapes, and experiment with volume and measurement. Inclusion in daily routines and imaginative playtime gives your child the opportunity to further develop skills in numbers and operation, math and measurement.
Our Preschool program provides a rich classroom environment where children are encouraged to explore and are challenged to learn. Your preschooler will make new friends and develop self-confidence as he or she strengthens cognitive skills. Watch your child demonstrate new learning, and flourish in our stimulating classroom environment – while having fun! We introduce high-quality children’s literature to promote a love of reading. Our daily activities develop reading and writing skills and introduce important literacy concepts. Children are introduced to the rich world of numbers, including sorting, grouping and counting, as well as more advanced math skills. Group time allows your child to talk, listen, share, take turns, cooperate, interact with friends and learn the value of giving and receiving feedback. Positive reinforcement helps children realize the importance of being a team player and refines skills needed to flourish in a classroom environment.
In Today’s Kids Pre-Kindergarten, your child will receive the necessary tools to move into, as well as thrive in, the final phase of his or her early education — all while having fun. Each day we focus on age-appropriate literacy objectives, including letter recognition, letter sounds and emerging writing skills. Children are well on their way to becoming a wiz when it comes to reading and writing. Children engage in the exciting work of numbers as they sort, construct, classify and match. They also learn counting, measuring and a variety of math skills. Participation in creative arts and music allows children to showcase their talents. Exposing children to works by master artists and then asking them to create their own interpretation inspires children to find their own unique voice.
Creative Curriculum by Teaching Strategies